Fashioning Circuits (Graduate)

This class is being taught in Fall 2014. Prior to that, the course material was offered via independent study Fall 2011 – Spring 2014.


Fashioning Circuits
EMAC 6372: Approaches to Emerging Media and Communication
Fall 2014
These descriptions and timelines are subject to change at the discretion of the Instructor.

Course Information

Meets: M 7pm – 9:45 pm
Location: ATC 2.918
Credit Hours: 3

Contact Information

  • Instructor: Kim Knight
    • Email (preferred method of contact):
    • Twitter: @purplekimchi No DMs, please.
    • Phone: 972-883-4346. No voicemail, please.
    • Office: ATC 1.903 (East wing, near silver elevators)
  • Student Worker: Santosh
    • Email:
    • Twitter: @sandybones (No Direct Messages)

Office Hours:

  • Kim’s office hours
    • Drop In (no appointment necessary): Mondays 5:30pm – 6:30pm
    • Schedule appointments via
  • Drop in hours at the lab (ATC 3.705) with Santosh
    • Mondays 4:30 – 6:30pm
    • Tuesdays 4:30pm – 6:30pm
    • Wednesdays 2pm – 3:30pm
    • Thursdays 3pm – 5pm
    • Fridays 11am – 1pm


Course website (Syllabus, readings, & assignments):
Course wiki (Blog editorial process):
Twitter tag: #fashioningcircuits
Fashioning Circuits Github organization:

Course Description

With the recent increase in wearable media in consumer markets, there has been much attention paid to devices, data tracking, and aesthetics. But what about the messages communicated and the bodies on which the media is worn? Or the labor and materials required to produce electronics and textiles? Or issues of access and consumerism? In this course, we will approach the topic of wearable media as cultural theorists and as critical makers. We will begin with a brief look at the social history of fashion and its historical intersections with media and technology. We will then explore more contemporary areas of intersection centered on issues of embodiment, identity and globalization. The final portion of the semester will be devoted to “learning by doing” in the production of socially-engaged and critically-informed wearable media projects. No sewing, electronics, or coding experience is necessary.

Course Goals

In this course, students will:

  • Become familiar with the basic social and ethical issues that connect fashion and emerging media.
  • Write critical analysis of fashion and media theories and practices.
  • Become familiar with the basic concepts of electronic circuitry, wearable arduino hardware, and the arduino programming language.
  • Produce two wearable media objects. No prior sewing, electronics, or coding experience required.

Required Textbooks and Materials

  • Tony Olsson, David Gaetano, Samson Wiklund, Jonas Odhner, OpenSoftwear
    • 1st edition available as a free download at
  • All items from the following wishlist:
    • 10% off coupon code: provided in class Expires Sept 8, 2014.
    • Substitute any led color of your choice. Avoid micro-leds as those will require extra resistors.
    • This is all of the electronic components you will need for your first wearable media project and all hands-on exercises. You may also be able to use much of this in your final project, particularly the Lilypad Simple board. However, you may need to purchase additional supplies to realize your vision.
  • Fabric and other sewing materials, TBD

Various chapters and essays, available online.  The username for protected downloads on is “emac6372” and the password is “”.

You will also need the following:

Recommended Textbooks and Materials

  • Banzi, Massimo. Getting Started with Arduino. ISBN 978-0-596-15551-3
  • Michael Margolis, Arduino Cookbook ISBN 1449313876
    • the library has two electronic copies of this book

Course Policies


It is important that you come to our meetings prepared and on time. To be “prepared” means that you have thoughtfully engaged with the reading and are prepared to discuss it, and that you have done any creative pre-work necessary.  Bring questions, comments, observations, disagreements, examples, etc.

Because your presence is important, absences can negatively affect your grade. I do not differentiate between excused and unexcused absences. You are allowed to miss one class (ie 1 week of class), for whatever reason, with no effect on your participation grade. Two or more absences will negatively impact your participation grade. Four or more absences (i.e. missing one month of class) will, in most cases, result in a failing grade.  Absences for religious purposes do not count against the permitted number (as long as at least two weeks notification is given in writing). Lateness is also unacceptable; if you arrive more than thirty minutes late you will be marked as absent. Leaving more than 30 minutes early also counts as an absence. In addition, please try to be as fully present and engaged as possible – silence cell phones, don’t send or receive texts or emails, etc.  Excessive distraction may be counted as an absence.


If you would like to request accommodation due to a disability, please let me know as soon as possible.  The disability must be documented with the Office of Student AccessAbility at UTD.

Online Due Dates:

All online assignments are due by 11:59pm on the date listed, unless otherwise noted.

Late work:

On many assignments and all exams, late work will not be accepted. It is your responsibility to complete your work early enough to allow time for any technical difficulties. On some assignments, late work will incur a penalty. Check individual assignment sheets for details.

Respectful behavior:

This class asks students to engage in many activities that are atypical of a Humanities college course. Even lighthearted teasing can affect someone’s confidence in these types of new assignments. We should all work together to create a classroom environment in which everyone feels safe and supported in these endeavors. In addition, our many discussions and online assignments will require vigilance to ensure that we are always preserving an atmosphere of mutual respect. Disagreements may arise and consensus may not be possible. Name calling, harassment, or menacing behavior will not be tolerated.

Online identity:

This class asks students to participate in publicly accessible blogs and other forms of public writing. Writing in public has several advantages for student learning. It creates a closer analogue to offline environments, and allows for the creation of writing that is designed to be shared with an audience beyond the instructor. It also allows students to learn from each other. However, some students may have legitimate privacy concerns about participating in publicly accessible assignments. These students may choose to participate in public assignments under a pseudonym, or assumed name. If you wish to request this accommodation for any reason, please contact me immediately.

Academic Honesty:

From the UT-D Handbook of Operating Procedures: “The university expects from its students a high level of responsibility with respect to academic honesty. Because the value of an academic degree depends on the absolute integrity of the work done by the student for that degree, it is imperative that a student maintain a high standard of individual honor in his or her scholastic work. The dean may initiate disciplinary proceedings under subchapter C against a student accused of scholastic dishonesty upon complaint by a faculty member or a student.” (

Academic dishonesty will be reported to the office of the Dean of Students and may result in  disciplinary action by the university. If you have any questions regarding the proper use of outside sources or the distinction between sampling and plagiarism, I encourage you to meet with me.

University Policies: Please visit for the University’s policies regarding all courses.

Course Requirements and Grading Policy

Grading Scale:

A Range: Excellent. All work is thought-provoking and well-executed. B Range: Above Average. Most work is thought-provoking and well-executed. C Range: Average. Most work is  well-executed. D Range: Poor. Work is often neither thought-provoking, nor well-executed. F Range:
Work fails to meet college standards.
A, A- B+, B, B- C+, C, C- D+, D, D- F


Participation – 25%

Participation includes attendance, active in-class and online discussion, 1 week of leading class discussion, homework assignments, office hours visits, and sharing resources via Twitter. At least one office hours visit should be completed no later than Thursday, October 17.

Wearable Project 1 – 10%

Students will work individually to create a small-scale wearable media project from a pattern. The goal is to foster familiarity with electronics, coding, and sewing. Students will be evaluated on their willingness to engage in the process and the successful execution of the project.

Sewing & Electronics Exam – 10%

This take home exam will cover the basics of electronic circuitry and machine sewing.

Arduino Exam – 10%

This in-class exam will cover basic Arduino concepts related to sensors, actuators, and basic code.

Managing Editor Assignment – 20%

Students will take a leadership role in writing and editing for the Fashioning Circuits blog ( Students will each be responsible for one week’s managing editor duties which will include writing one of their own blog posts, editorial duties for the writers (undergrads) that week, and identifying 2 – 3 new possible blog topics.

Final Wearable Project  – 25%

Students will work individually or in groups to create a larger-scale, final wearable media project. The goal with this project is to move beyond basic familiarity and produce a project that draws upon our readings and attempts to make an intellectual statement or social intervention. Students will be evaluated on the idea, execution, and relationship between form and idea. The final project will include a proposal and a short paper. (Please note: PhD students will be required to write a longer paper.)

General Requirements:

This class involves a lot of theoretical reading.  My hope is that you will apply the ideas from that reading to the world around you. You will be most successful in this class if you are able to have an open mind and take a critical approach to our topics.  Please note that being “critical” does not necessarily mean being negative, but it does mean that you are willing to question assumptions and explore the implications of the seemingly mundane and minute aspects of contemporary media culture.  Openness to experimentation and play and a willingness to try and fail are critical to the study of emerging media.  In short, in this class we will be enacting some of the very changes we are studying – collaborative learning, alternative models of scholarship, etc.


Week 1: Introduction Monday, August 25 – Introductions and Rapid Prototyping Exercise

  • In Class
    • Reading
      • OpenSoftwear Ch 3 “Software” and Ch 4 “Using the IDE” (in class)
    • Install the arduino software on your computer; ensure you have the correct drivers for the lilypad ftdi connector
  • Lilypad Rapid Prototyping Workshop
  • Managing Editor: Kim

Week 2 – September 1 Labor Day Holiday – No Meeting

Managing Editor: Kim

Week 3 – September 8 Definitions

Managing Editor: Kim

  • Before Class
    • Discussion Reading
      • Ratto, Matt. “Critical Making: Conceptual and Material Studies in Technology and Social Life.” The Information Society: An International Journal. 27.4 (2011): 252-60. (10pps)
        • retrieve from UT Dallas library website
      • Hertz, ed. Critical Making
      • Barnard, Malcolm. “Etymologies and Definitions of Fashion and Clothing” in Fashion as Communication 8 – 26 (17 pps)
      • Russell, Luke. “Tryhards, Fashion Victims, and Effortless Cool” in Fashion: Philosophy for Everyone 37 – 50 (14 pps)
    • Tech Reading
      • All About Circuits, Volume 1 DC Ch 1 – 3
      • Open Softwear pps 76 – 82, 94 – 97
        • Basic structure, variables, void setup, void loop, brackets, semicolons, commenting code, variable types and declarations, the digital pins, the analog pins
    • Homework
  • In Class
    • Workshop: repeat lilypad rapid prototyping or basic circuit exercise; use a multi-meter
    • concepts: Voltage, amperes, resistance, Ohm’s Law

Week 4 – September 15 Wearable Project One Workshop

Managing Editor: Amanda sp

  • Meet in ATC 3.705
  • Before Class
  • In-class:
    • Workshop:
      • introduction to the sewing machines and fabric preparation; parts of the machine; threading the machine; seating the bobbin; raising / lowering the needle; stitch selection; sewing tools; cutting fabric
    • Wearable Project One:
      • through gluing down components

Week 5 – September 22  Wearable Project One Workshop

Managing Editor: Ben

Week 6 – Sept 29 Fashion and Embodied Identity

Managing Editor: Suzanna (Kristy) and Santosh (Shabby)

Discussion Leaders: Thomas and Luke


Week 7 – October 6 Embodied Identity and Global Production

Managing Editor: Amanda Sw

Discussion Leader: Bailey and Ariana

Week 8 – October 13 Cybercouture

Managing Editor: Thomas

Discussion Leader: Santosh and Ben

Week 9 – October 20 Fashion Blogs and Videos

Managing Editor: Ariana (Jade) & Lesley (Justin)

Discussion Leader: Patrick and Jenna

Week 10 – October 27 Apps & Networked Fashion

Managing Editor: Matthew

Discussion Leader: Lesley, Amanda Sw and Christopher

Week 11 – Nov 3 Smart Textiles

Managing Editor: Luke

Discussion Leader: Amanda Sp and Matt

  • Before Class
    • Reading
    • Quinn, Bradley, excerpt from Textile Futures: Fashion, Design, and Technology
  • In Class
    • Exam Review

Week 12 – Nov 10 Arduino Exam & Final Project Workshop

Managing Editor: Jenna (Cari) & Christopher (Nilufer)

  • In Class
    • 7 pm – 8:30 pm Arduino Exam
    • 8:30 pm – 9:45 pm Final Project Workshop

Meet in ATC 3.705

Week 13 – Nov 17 Final Project Workshop

Managing Editor: Patrick (Porche) & Bailey (Pablo)

Meet in ATC 3.705

Nov 24 – 29: Fall Break

Week 14 – Dec 1 Final Project Workshop

Managing Editor: Christopher

Meet in ATC 3.705

Week 15: Dec 8 Final Project Due

  • Before Class
    • Final Project due in class
    • Blog post due before class
  • In Class
    • Presentation of projects
    • Exit survey


Participation Expectations

EMAC 6372: Approaches to Emerging Media and Communication
Fall 2014
Fashioning Circuits
Participation Assignment Sheet


  • To involve students in active processes of learning in conjunction with course goals


Forget the model of education you see in the movies where a brilliant professor lectures from a podium and students scribble away furiously in their notebooks. Research evidence overwhelmingly suggests that students learn better and retain more information when they are actively involved in the process of learning.
My classroom philosophy is that I am a coach, there to guide you through these active processes. I very seldom lecture and most of our class meetings will involve whole class discussion. And this will lead to some of the most valuable take-away from this course, in class and online. However, this means that your participation is necessary for our success. It is important that you participate in every class meeting and that you share resources between classes.

Your participation grade includes in-class and online reading discussion, sharing resources via twitter, attendance, and office hours visits.

My Expectations of You

  • Do the reading. Take notes. Tweet one discussion question by 11:59pm Sunday. Come to class prepared to discuss key ideas, vocabulary, questions, disagreements, examples, etc.
  • Be in class. Two or more absences will affect your grade, and in most cases, four or more absences will result in a failing participation grade, while eight or more will result in a failing course grade.
  • Arrive on time and stay for the duration of the class session. If you arrive more than 30 minutes late, you will be marked as absent. Leaving more than 30 minutes early also counts as an absence.
  • Pay attention. Silence cell phones. Don’t send or receive texts or emails. Stay off of Facebook unless it is part of an in-class activity. Use workshop time to test new tools. Excessive distraction may be counted as an absence.
  • Share information. If you see articles or tweets relevant to the class, tweet them with the hashtag.
  • You can use Twitter for in-class reading discussion, but try not to over-rely on it.

Technical Specifications

You will need a public Twitter account so that all of your peers can see your tweets and your tweets are included in searches for the class hashtag. You do not have to use your real name in your Twitter account, but you do need to give me your Twitter handle.


Participation is worth 25% of your final grade.

The criteria for grading your work are:

Excellent Good Satisfactory Needs Improvement Failing
Discussion question The student tweets one thought-provoking discussion question on the week’s readings by 11:59pm on Sunday. The student tweets one insightful discussion question on the week’s readings by 11:59pm on Sunday. The student tweets one discussion question on the week’s readings by 11:59pm on Sunday. The student’s discussion questions may be off topic or late. The student does not tweet discussion questions.
Leading discussion The student works with assigned peers to lead a cohesive, thorough and thought-provoking discussion of the week’s readings. The students engage their peers in the discussion, draw connections to other readings and bring in relevant examples to illustrate concepts. The student works with assigned peers to lead a thorough and thought-provoking discussion of the week’s readings. The students engage their peers in the discussion, draw connections to other readings and bring in relevant examples to illustrate concepts. The student works with assigned peers to lead a thought-provoking discussion of the week’s readings. The students engage their peers in the discussion and draw connections to other readings or bring in relevant examples to illustrate concepts. The students may show a lack of coordination or may treat the material superficially. The students may not attempt to engage their peers or make connections or illustrate concepts. The student shows a lack of preparation, neglects sections of the reading, or makes no attempt to engage peers, make connections, or illustrate concepts.
In-class discussion The student always contributes meaningful comments and ideas to class discussion*. The student consistently contributes comments and ideas to class discussion. The student often contributes comments and ideas to class discussion. The student rarely contributes comments and ideas to class discussion and may over-rely on Tweeting. The student never contributes to class discussion or  Twitter.
Sharing resources The student tweets frequently with information and ideas marked with the class hashtag. The student tweets consistently with information and ideas marked with the class hashtag. The student tweets occasionally with information and ideas marked with the class hashtag. The student tweets sporadically with information and ideas marked with the class hashtag. The student never tweets information and ideas with the class hashtag.
Homework Assignments Homework assignments are completed on time and the student consistently draws connections between homework and other course materials. Homework assignments are completed on time and the student often draws connections between homework and other course materials. Homework assignments are completed on time and the student sometimes draws connections between homework and other course materials. Homework assignments may be late or the student may fail to connect them to other course materials. Homework assignments are often late or incomplete.

*Note: you do not always have to fully grasp the material to make meaningful comments. You may ask questions and make a good effort to understand.

Your participation grade will be negatively impacted if:

  • You have two or more absences.
  • You are consistently late or consistently leave early.
  • You are excessively distracted by other websites, your phone, etc.
  • You do not use workshop time effectively.
  • You do not complete at least one office hours visit with Kim (either during drop-in hours or by appointment) by October 17, 2013.

Late Work:

Work associated with participation may not be completed late.

Managing Editor Assignment

EMAC 6372: Approaches to Emerging Media and Communication
Fall 2014
Fashioning Circuits
Managing Editor Assignment Sheet


  • To identify new developments and trends in the intersection between fashion and emerging media.
  • To perform critical analysis of fashion and media theories and practices.
  • To write for an audience interested in the course topics and to contribute to the overall quality of the blog through editorial functions.
  • To seed ideas for the final project.


A major part of the Fashioning Circuits project is the blog, located at As graduate students, you will take a leading role in the activity of the blog over the course of the semester. Your job will be to identify possible topics for our undergraduate writing staff, to provide copy editing, and, if necessary, light peer review. In addition, during the week of your editorial responsibilities, you will contribute one written piece to the blog yourself.
Topics for the blog may include any instance in which media or technology and fashion intersect. These can be garments, gadgets, textiles, apps, blogs, pop culture references, and other intersections between emerging media and fashion.

The biggest thing to keep in mind is that the goal of the blog is not to simply report on new developments. There are plenty of other publications that do that. Our goal is to analyze new developments within their technological and social contexts. In other words, blog posts need to address the “so what?” question.
Your tenure as Managing Editor runs Monday – Sunday. You are responsible for the student writers assigned to the Wednesday following our class.


  • Editing
    • Undergraduates will submit their blog posts to the course wiki by Wednesday mornings. Feedback should be posted to the wiki by Friday at 11:59 pm. Students have until 11:59pm on Mondays to make changes. If the blog post meets editorial standards, post it to the blog.
      • We will develop editorial guidelines and discuss feedback strategies during our second class meeting.
      • If you have any questions, you can always ask Kim.
  • Identifying topics
    • Post 2 to 3 possible topics (including URLs for each) to the list on the front page of the course wiki before the last day of your week (the Sunday after you are listed on the schedule)
  • Writing
    • Ensure that you are choosing something that has not already been written about on the blog.
    • Write a minimum of 300 words of description and analysis of your wearable tech object.
    • cite at least one source from the course readings.
    • submit your post to the Fashioning Circuits blog.
    • include any relevant images, video, or other media, but be sure to give attribution and use media according to the license.
    • select appropriate categories (broad groupings) and add appropriate tags (narrow content keywords)
    • use language and tone appropriate to an intelligent audience interested in developments in wearable media. Avoid being overly informal.

Grading Criteria

The managing editor assignment is worth 20% of your grade.

Excellent Good Satisfactory Needs Improvement Failing
Editorial Editorial duties, such as feedback to writers, is helpful and timely. The student makes a strong contribution to the overall quality of the blog. Editorial duties, such as feedback to writers, is helpful and timely. The student makes a clear contribution to the overall quality of the blog. Editorial duties, such as feedback to writers, is helpful and timely. The student makes a contribution to the overall quality of the blog. Editorial duties may lack clarity, be unconstructive, or not performed in a timely manner. The student’s contribution to the overall quality of the blog is questionable. Editorial duties are neglected or the student negatively affects the overall quality of the blog.
Writing The blog post is well-written and thought-provoking. The analysis deepens our understanding of wearable media and expertly addresses the “so what” question. The content is enhanced through use of the affordances of a blog post, such as visual media, tags, links, etc. All images and other materials are given proper attribution and used within the terms of their license. The blog post is well-written and interesting. The analysis attempts to address the “so what” question.
The content is supported through the use of the affordances of a blog post, such as visual media, tags, links, etc. All images and other materials are given proper attribution and used within the terms of their license.
The blog post is well-written and the analysis is clearly connected to concepts from the course. The analysis indicates awareness of the “so what” question.
The content is connected to the affordances of a blog post, such as visual media, tags, links, etc. All images and other materials are given proper attribution and used within the terms of their license.
The blog post may lack sufficient media and features that are part of the blog format, or they may be confusing or irrelevant.
Images and other materials may not have attribution or may not be used according to their license.
The blog post may have excessive errors, may be off topic, or may lack any of the features of a blog post.

The following will detract from your grade:

  • Failure to meet minimum length requirements
  • Failure to properly format the blog post.
  • Neglecting to add 2-3 additional potential topics to the wiki

Late Work

Work associated with the Managing Editor assignment will not be accepted late.

Timeline and Due Dates.

  • Mondays, post your own blog post
  • Wednesdays, writers will post their blog posts to the wiki.
  • Fridays, leave feedback by 11:59pm. Students have until Sundays at 11:59 pm to make changes.
  • If revised posts meet editorial guidelines, post them to the blog.

Wearable Project One

EMAC 6372: Approaches to EMAC
Fashioning Circuits
Fall 2014

Wearable Project One


  • To demonstrate proficiency in creating a soft circuit
  • To demonstrate proficiency with the sewing machine
  • To develop troubleshooting habits

For the first wearable media project of the semester, our ambitions are modest. As a class we will work to all create the same project – the twinkling wrist cuff.

Supplies needed:

  • ¼ yard lightweight cotton fabric
  • ¼ yard garment interfacing (NOT the “fusible” or iron-on type)
  • 2 buttons
  • Matching non-conductive thread
    • if you are working with colors other than black or white, you will also need a bobbin for the machine
  • 2 small fabric coated elastic hairbands
  • Fabric glue
    • You don’t need an entire bottle. Consider teaming up with classmates to share.
  • Items from the SparkFun supply list
    • LilyTwinkle DEV 11364
    • Lilypad coin cell battery holder – switched 20mm DEV 11285
    • Coin cell battery 20mm CR2032 PRT00338
    • 4 Lilypad LEDs
    • Conductive thread DEV 10867
    • Needle for hand sewing


The first wearable project is worth 10% of your course grade.

Excellent Very Good Satisfactory Needs Improvement
Circuit All components are properly connected and stitching is neat and precise. The circuit lights up properly. All components are properly connected. There is no danger of loose thread shorting the circuit. The circuit lights up properly. All components are properly connected. Any loose thread has been insulated. The circuit lights up properly. All components are properly connected. Loose threads may be in danger of touching. The circuit may not light up. Components may not be properly connected. Stitching is poorly done and the circuit may not light up.
Sewing All seams are neatly sewn and threads are trimmed. Buttons are firmly and neatly attached. The finished piece has neat appearance. All seams are neatly sewn and threads are trimmed. Buttons are well- attached. The finished piece has a uniform appearance. All seams are sewn shut and the finished piece has a mostly uniform appearance. Buttons are attached. Seams may be messy or unfinished. Buttons may be loose or may not be attached using the prescribed method. The finished appearance may be irregular. Major seams are unfinished or the finished piece has a highly irregular appearance. Buttons may or may not be attached.
Troubleshooting The student engages in troubleshooting and is able to articulate and address the cause of any issues. The student engages in troubleshooting and is able to articulate or address the cause of any issues. The student engages in troubleshooting but can neither articulate nor address the cause of any issues. The student does not engage in troubleshooting.

Timeline and due dates:

  • In class workshops Sept 15 and 22.
  • Finished wrist cuff is due at the beginning of the class on Sept 29 (may require some take home work).
    • Turn in the finished wrist cuff in a quart size plastic bag that has your name written on it.

Late work:

Late wrist cuffs will be marked down one letter grade for each day or fraction thereof that they are late.


Final Project

EMAC 6372: Approaches to Emerging Media and Communication

Fashioning Circuits

Fall 2014

Wearable Project Two


  • To solve a problem or make a statement about a social issue through wearable media
  • To gain experience in sewing, electronics, and coding
  • To engage in project design and communication

You completed the first wearable media project and, as a result, have had some practice in sewing and electronics. For the second wearable project, the goal is to increase the intellectual rigor and move into more complex conceptual territory. Your second project should address a problem or signify something social or cultural.


  • It must be wearable in some way (though this can include jewelry, bags, and hats)
  • It must involve some form of “making,” whether that is sewing, electronics, and/or coding.
  • The project should exhibit some complexity in design. This can be in components used, connection to external input, or the sewing and construction.
  • The project should exhibit some conceptual complexity in the problem or issue being addressed.
  • You can use the components of the LilyPad Protosnap kit or you may need to order additional supplies.
  • You may collaborate but the amount of work and complexity should reflect the size of your group.


Wearable Project Two consists of four stages: proposal, production, reflection/research, and presentation.


To ensure that you have comprehensively planned your project, you are required to submit a detailed project proposal by end of day on Monday, October 13. The proposal should be added to the wiki or to the github organization.

The required sections of the proposal are:

  • Problem or Social Issue Being Addressed
  • Description of Wearable Object
    • What will it do?
    • For whom is it designed?
  • Design
    • What will it look like? Feel free to include photos, sketches, color palettes, etc.
    • How will it function? In other words, which components do or signify what?
  • Supplies List
    • Hardware, software, electronics components, materials, tools, etc. Include it all.
  • Schedule
    • Make a Monday – Sunday week by week schedule of what you will need to accomplish to realize your vision
  • Anticipated Challenges / Areas of Concern
  • Questions

You will receive feedback on your proposal. Once you receive this feedback, order your supplies and start working. You are encouraged to document your project at all stages with photos, videos, and notes.

Reflection (and Research)

MA students: Minimum 900 words describing your project and connecting it to themes and readings from the class. This is your opportunity to talk about the “so what” of your project. Post your reflection as a blog post on the Fashioning Circuits website. Make sure to use all of the affordances of the blog format to support your writing, including at least one image of your finished project.

MFA and PhD students: 300 word blog post that does what is described above. In addition, you will write a 1500 – 2400 word thesis-driven research paper that makes an argument about some aspect of wearable technology or the relationship between emerging media and fashion. You should incorporate sources from assigned readings or independent research. Please follow MLA formatting guidelines.


Completed projects should be presented in class on December 8. Each student will have 8 minutes to present and 4 minutes for questions and answers.


  • October 13 – Proposal due
  • October 20 – Receive feedback
  • November 1 – Supplies ordered (if you need more time for financial reasons, please see me individually to set up a plan)
  • December 8 – Project and Reflection due and presented in class
  • MFA and PhD students: December 12 – Short paper due to Kim via email


The final wearable project is worth 25% of your grade.

Excellent Good Satisfactory Needs Improvement Failing
Concept The wearable project takes a novel approach to a problem or issue. The proposal is well conceived, well written, and on time. The wearable project is designed with some complexity to address a problem or make a statement about a social issue. The proposal is detailed, well written and on time. The wearable project is conceived to address a problem or make a statement about a social issue. The proposal is complete and on time. The wearable project may lack a clear connection to a problem or issue. The proposal may be late or lacking detail. The wearable project may lack complexity. The proposal may be late or incomplete.
Execution All components are well connected and the wearable object works as conceptualized. The appearance of the object successfully employs an aesthetic strategy. All components are well connected. The object works as conceptualized or the plan has been modified in a way that still supports the concept. The appearance of the object has an aesthetic strategy. All components are connected. The wearable object works. The appearance of the object has a mostly uniform appearance. Components may not be properly connected or the object may not have full functionality. The appearance of the object may be irregular. Components are missing or not connected. The appearance of the object may be highly irregular.
Troubleshooting The student engages in troubleshooting and is able to articulate and address the cause of any issues. The student engages in troubleshooting and is able to articulate or address the cause of any issues. The student engages in troubleshooting but can neither articulate nor address the cause of any issues. The student does not engage in troubleshooting.
Reflection The blog post is well written, fully describes the project, and relates the concept and execution to class themes or readings including citations of multiple readings. Any challenges or failures are fully theorized and used as an opportunity for learning. The affordances of the blog format are used to enhance the writing. The blog post is well written and fully describes the project, including reference of at least one course reading. Challenges or failure are addressed in a meaningful way. The affordances of the blog format are used to support the writing. The blog post is clearly written and fully describes the project, including any challenges or failures. The post includes the affordances of the blog format. The blog post may have writing issues, lack details about the project, or neglect challenges or failures. The post may not include any of the affordances of the blog format. The blog post may be short of the minimum word count or may be poorly written. The blog post may not include any of the affordances of the blog format.
Research (MFA and PhD students) The research paper is centered on a thought-provoking and well-supported thesis. Appropriate sources are well incorporated into the student’s writing and work to support the thesis or demonstrate a counterargument without detracting from the student’s writing voice. The paper is well organized and contains a minimal number of grammatical or mechanical errors. The research paper is centered on a thought-provoking thesis that is well supported. Appropriate sources are incorporated into the student’s writing and work to support the thesis or demonstrate a counterargument. The paper is well organized and contains a minimal number of grammatical or mechanical errors. The research paper is centered on a clear thesis that is well supported. Appropriate sources are used to support the thesis or demonstrate a counterargument. The paper may waiver in organization or grammar and mechanics. The research paper may lack clarity in the thesis or the thesis may not be fully supported. Or the writer may have issues with sources, such as poorly selected sources or failure to use the sources to support an argument or counterargument. Or the paper may have organizational or grammar / mechanical issues that impede understanding. The research paper may not have a thesis or the evidence presented is not connected to the thesis. Sources may be poorly selected and utilized. Organizational, grammar, and mechanical issues may be so severe as to obscure the argument.

The following will negatively impact your grade:

  • Submitting items late, including your supply order
  • Failure to present your project to the class

Late Work:

  • Late proposals or supply orders will result in 1/3 of a letter grade deduction for each day, or fraction of a day, that they are late.
  • Late finished projects or reflection posts will result in the loss of one full letter grade for each day, or fraction of a day, that they are late.
  • Presentations may not be conducted late.

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