2008-2009 at UCSB

Somehow 2008-2009 came and went and I never did manage to update this site with my status.

In Fall 2008, I was most fortunate to be granted the Brython Davis Fellowship for a second time. I received an additional fellowship for Winter 2009 from the Interdisciplinary Humanities Center at UCSB. I used this time to continue work on the first chapter of my dissertation, Media Epidemics: Viral Structures in Literature and New Media. A portion of my first chapter, “Mutating Media: Transmission of the Ring Virus,” is available online.

During Spring quarter 2009 I returned to The Transliteracies Project in my former role as Project Coordinator. Transliteracies had a lot of very exciting developments take place during the Spring quarter and it was great fun to be back on the project. In addition to my work administering the project, I collaborated with my colleague Renee Hudson on a research paper entitled “Social Book Cataloging: Humanizing Databases,” which can be found on the Transliteracies site.

During Summer 2009 I continued work on my dissertation and began preparation for the job market. I was also heavily involved in a re-design of the Department of English’s website, which we hope will launch by the end of the year.

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