Wiki Assignment #1 – Secondary Criticism

Due Dates will be assigned on the first day of class.

Each student will select a work of theory or secondary criticism (see below for the difference) in response to the reading for a week. The student will then write a 250-word abstract of the article and a 150-word reflection on the article and post them to the class Wiki. The Wiki entry should include the full bibliographical details of the article and links to other pertinent articles, websites, etc. See the sample entry on the Timothy Leary essay, “The Cyberpunk: The Individual as Reality Pilot” for an example of both content and proper formatting.

You may not duplicate an article that another student has already posted. If you are worried about overlap, you may want to “claim” your article by creating a page for it and then adding the content later.

Please use categories in your Wiki entries. Every wiki entry should include the category “All Pages” and the category for your name. For instance, if you decide to write about Donna Haraway’s “Cyborg Manifesto” in the week we are reading Frankenstein, then you would place your entry in the following categories: All Pages, Theory, Frankenstein, YourName, etc. See the Wiki Posting Instructions below for assistance.

On the due date, you will give the class a brief overview of the article. Plan on spending no more than five minutes summarizing the article and giving us your overall response to the content.

These Wiki entries will form a collective repository of information that will be useful in writing your papers later this term.

Wiki Posting Instructions

Wiki Posting Instructions – PDF

This assignment is worth 10 points, i.e. 10% of your final grade.